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Winter 2025 Reserve List

What Is a Reserve?

A Reserve is an item that has been set aside from the general library collection for use in specific King's courses. 

Items that are placed on reserve are there to providing access to specific materials by the entire class.  Be respectful of your classmates and return materials when they are due or sooner so everyone who needs access has access.


Where Can I Find a Reserve Item?

This guide provides a list of all print and electronic reserve items for the semester.  They are sorted by subject on the left side of the page and each item has a link that will direct you either to the eBook for viewing or the print record for more information.  

The print reserve collection is located at the library service desk.  They are staff mediated, meaning a library staff employee is required to access them.

Items are filed on the reserve shelf by Course ID (e.g. EDUC 409)


How Long Can I Borrow a Reserve Item?

Loan periods for reserve items vary.  They can be as short as 1 hour and as long as 4 months (term).  The most common, however, is 1 day.  

  • 1 hour loans are due exactly one hour from the time it was signed out (e.g. Signed out at 9:18AM; due back 10:18AM the same day); an exception would be if it was signed out just before closing time (e.g. Signed out at 6:45PM; due back 8:00AM the next open day)
  • 1 day loans are due back the following open day at closing (e.g. Signed out Tuesday morning; due back Wednesday at 7PM OR Signed out Friday at 2PM; due back Monday at 7PM)

Are There Fines?

Print reserve items that are not returned on time have fines.  For hour loans (1, 2, 3, etc...) the fines accumulate every hour at $1/hour.  For day/week/month loans the fines accumulate every day at $1/day.