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World Religions: Taoism or Daoism

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BL1899-1942.85 Taoism

Subject headings

  • Taoism
  • China religions
  • Lao-tzu
  • Zhuangzi
  • "religious aspects"
  • "study and teaching"
  • ritual; rituals; liturgy; worship
  • doctrines
  • "customs and practices"

Holidays and Observances

The Lantern Festival —  This festival celebrates the birthday of the Taoist god, Tianguan. Tianguan enjoys many types of celebration so people participate in different events with the goal of obtaining good fortune.

Tomb Sweeping Day — “Tomb Sweeping Day”, formally known as the “Qingming Festival”. The Qingming Festival is the day when Chinese people  visit graves or burial sites of their ancestors.

Dragon Boat Festival — The Dragon Boat Festival started as a celebration of the life of Qu Yuan, a prominent member of the Zhou Dynasty.

The Chinese New Year— The Chinese New Year has been known as the main religious holiday in China. It involves burning paper statues of gods, allowing the spirits to fly up to heaven and report on the family's behavior. They are replaced with new statues.

Hungry Ghost Festival —  It is said that hungry ghosts, (the dead who have not had a proper funeral), are let out of the underworld on this day. People try to claim the ghosts by making offerings, saying prayers, and entertaining them with musical events.




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