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Advanced Searching Techniques: Use Citations

Cited Research

One technique you can use to find more research on your topic is to look at the reference list of a resource. If they are citing other researchers there is an excellent chance they are on the same or similar subject matter. 


  1. Find one good article 
  2. Look at their references, and find one that looks useful 
  3. Type the title of a resource into a library search to try and gain access to the full text.
    • ScienceDirect provides links to articles in the reference list for each paper.  

Cited By

One technique you can use to find more research on your topic is to find other resources which have cited a resource you found. If other researchers cited that resources, there is an excellent chance they are on the same or similar subject matter. 

Google Scholar is one useful tool to conduct this type of research. 


  1. Find one good resource on your topic
  2. Type the title of the resource into Google Scholar 
  3. If an article in Google Scholar has been cited by another source a Cited by link will appear below the entry in search results.
  4. Clicking the Cited by link will display a list of articles that have cited the original article.
    • Many of these articles are also likely to display a Cited by link and this process can be repeated many times.

For example: 

Visual representative of above instructions



  • Not all resources in Google Scholar will be peer reviewed scholarly sources so be careful before using any results you find


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