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What are Citation Managers?

Citation managers are available to help you collectorganizecite and share references.

Citation managers allow you to:

  • Manage all of your sources in one place.
  • Upload and store full-text PDFs and other file types for your sources.
  • Generate formatted bibliographies in desired format.
  • Install plug-ins for word processors that allow you to insert citations from the reference manager as you write.
  • Organize your references into meaningful collection folders that may serve a variety of purposes.
  • Share collections with colleagues to collaborate in private or open groups.
  • Facilitate the removal of duplicate citations.



Choosing a citation Manager

Key questions for choosing a citation manager:

Ease of Use / Usability

  • Do I like the interface? Is it intuitive to me?
  • Do I easily find the functions I'm looking for?

Operating system


  • Which software can I use with my operating system (Linux, Mac, Windows)?
  • Which software offers an online version?
  • Which software offers a mobile version/app?



  • Are there any training courses for beginners?
  • Are there any materials for self training (e.g. videos, manuals)?
  • Is there any support if I need help (library, company, IT hotline, forums etc.)?



  • What external programmes should my reference management software support (e.g. word processor)?



  • Does the software cost anything?
  • Is there a campus licence at my institution (university/company)?
  • Are there potentially additional costs (e.g. after leaving institution, need for more storage space)?

What features should my reference management software offer?

  • Searching for full text?
  • PDF editing?
  • Generating bibliographies?
  • Managing quotes / ideas?
  • Catalogue and database search from within the programme?
  • Indexing and structuring of content?
  • Online access?
  • Sharing and/or jointly editing references?
  • Task planning?
  • LaTeX support?

Where do I usually work?


  • Do I use always the same computer or do I switch sometimes?
  • Do I have permission to install software on the computer I use?
  • What reference management software do my colleagues/collaborators use?
