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EBSCOhost Discovery Service (library search) to Zotero with Zotero Conector

  1. Click on the title of a result from the list.
  2. Click on the Zotero Connector in your browser bookmark bar.
  3. Item is saved to your library.


  1. After you click the save button, a popup will appear indicating which Zotero collection the item is being saved to. If you want to save the item to a different collection or library, you can change the selection there, as well as enter tags to assign to the new item.
  2. This method will work with the desktop app and the website

EBSCOhost Discovery Service (library search) to Zotero without Zotero Conector

This method only works if you have Zotero desktop application.

  • Click on the title of a result from the list.


  • Click on "Export" from the menu on the right side of the screen.

  • Select "Direct Export in RIS Format (e.g. CITAVI, EasyBib, EndNote, ProCite, Reference Manager, Zotero)" from the list and click save.

  • A file will download as an RIS file.
  • Open the desktop Zotero app and click on File and then “Import” from the drop down menu that appears


  • In the window click on “A file (BibTex, RIS, Zotero, RDF, etc.)”.


  • Find the file you downloaded.
  • Then select “Copy files to Zotero storage folder”, then click “Next”.

Once you return to the main Zotero window, click on the tiny green circular arrow to sync the database to your online database.



This method will ONLY work with the desktop app.


  1. If you already have an article saved as a PDF, Zotero can extract the metadata from the file to create the reference.
  2. Drag a PDF saved on your computer into your Zotero library or the folder you wish to add it to.
  3. Zotero will automatically try to populate the fields for your reference.
  4. Be sure to review the information for each reference as sometimes not all the information is populated. This means you will have to edit the reference to make sure all required fields contain the correct information.


  1. This method will work with the desktop app and the website.

Google Scholar to Zotero with Zotero Conector

  1. Click on the Zotero Connector from your bookmark bar.
  2. Select the references you want to import from the popup window.
  3. Click OK.


  1. After you click the save button, a popup will appear indicating which Zotero collection the item is being saved to. If you want to save the item to a different collection or library, you can change the selection there, as well as enter tags to assign to the new item.
  2. This method will work with the desktop app and the website.

Google Scholar to Zotero without Zotero Conector

  1. Click on the quotation marks under the citation you want to add to Zotero.
  2. From the new window that appears, select EndNote (This is an entirely different tool, but uses the same file type as Zotero and will work the best).
  3. A file will download to your computer called “scholar.enw”
  4. Open the desktop Zotero app and click on File and then “Import” from the drop down menu that appears
  5. In the window click on “A file (BibTex, RIS, Zotero, RDF, etc.)”
  6. Find the file you downloaded.
  7. Then select “Copy files to Zotero storage folder”, then click “Next”.
  8. Once you return to the main Zotero window, click on the tiny green circular arrow to sync the database to your online database.


  1. This method will ONLY work with the desktop app.


  1. Every database should give you the option to download a citation in BibTex, RIS, Zotero, RDF.
  2. Look for the word "export".
  3. If you don't see this option you can download a PDF and upload that to Zotero.