This page has resources for teaching about Indigenous Peoples within the classroom.
E51-73 Pre-Columbian America. The Indians
E75-99 Indians of North America
E78 A-Z By state, province or region
E81-83 Indian wars
E91-95 Government relations
E92 Canada
E93 United States
E94 Law
E95 Treaties
E96-97.65 Education
E98 A-Z Other topics
E 98 R3 Religion and mythology
E99 A-Z Tribes and cultures
F 1060.9 R5 Louis Riel and the Red River Rebellion
GN 380 Indigenous Knowledge
JV 305 Indigenous peoples and colonialism
KE 7742 First Nations Law
KF 8221 Tribal Law
N 6538 A4 Native American art and artists.
PM101-2711 American languages (Aboriginal)
PN 1995.9 Indians in Motion Pictures
PS 153 I Native literature
A Day with Yayah by Nicola I. Campbell; Julie Fleet (Illustrator)
Call Number: CURR E 78 B9 C154 D39 2018
The First Mosquito by Caroll Simpson (Illustrator)
Call Number: CURR E 78 B9 S593 F3 2015
Call Number: CURR E 78 C2 L377 C57 2019
Raven by Gerald McDermott (Illustrator); Dean Whitlock
Call Number: CURR E 78 N77 M33 2001
Seven Sacred Teachings: Niizhwaaswi Gagiikwewin by Dave Bouchard
Call Number: CURR E 98 F6 B74 2018
Trudy's Healing Stone by Trudy Spiller; Jessika Von Innerebner (Preface by); Allison Parker (Editor)
Call Number: CURR E 99 K55 S65 T78 2016
Bear Dancer: The Story of a Ute Girl
Call Number: CURR E 99 U8 W998 B43 2005
Discovering Animals: English * French * Cree by Neepin Auger (Illustrator)
Call Number: CURR PM 988 A9431 2017
Discovering Numbers: English, French, Cree
Call Number: CURR PM 988 A9435 2013
Discovering Words: English, French, Cree
Call Number: PM 988 A9438 2013
Nipehon / I Wait by Caitlin Nicholson; Leona Morin-Neilson (Translator)
Call Number: CURR PM 989 N53 N56 2017
Call Number: CURR PM 989 V325 L58 2018
Mi'kmaw Waisisk: Mi'kmaw Animals
Call Number: CURR PM 1791 S55 2018
No Time to Say Goodbye by Sylvia Olsen
Call Number: CURR PS 8579 L728 N62 2001
Achieving Indigenous Student Success by Pamela Rose Toulouse
Call Number: CURR E 96.2 T69 2016
Contemporary Indigenous Arts in the Classroom by David Garneau
Call Number: CURR N 6549.5 A54 C665 2018
Indigenous Integration: 101+ Lesson Ideas for Secondary and College Teachers by Adrienne Castellon
Call Number: E 76.6 C374 2017
Teaching Each Other by Linda M. Goulet; Keith N. Goulet
Call Number: E 96 .2 G69 2014
Approaches to Aboriginal Education in Canada by Frances Widdowson (Editor); Albert Howard (Editor)
Call Number: E 96.2 A66 2013
Decolonizing education : nourishing the learning spirit by Marie Battiste
Call Number: E 96.2 B355 2013
The FNESC/FNSA Indian Residential Schools and Reconciliation Teacher Resource Guides were developed in response to the call by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada for education bodies to develop age-appropriate educational materials about Indian Residential Schools.
The University of Calgary collaborated with new teachers, alumni of the Werklund School of Education’s Bachelor of Education program to create teaching and learning plans for texts on this website. With audiences ranging from Pre-Kindergarten to Post-Secondary, lesson plans across this resource address a wide range of school subject areas, inclusive approaches, and Indigenous education topics, such as the revitalization of Indigenous languages. These lessons are intended as a starting place for educators, to help you envision ways in which you might bring Indigenous literatures, as well as ways of knowing, being, and doing, into your teaching contexts. Please adapt, use, and share these lessons in ways that are generative for your teaching practice. We offer our sincere thanks to the dozens of new teachers who gifted us with these creative ideas!